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Post Info TOPIC: Asteroid 2009 XZ1


Posts: 131433
Asteroid 2009 XZ1

The 130 - 300 metre wide asteroid 2009 XZ1 will make a close pass (19.8 lunar distances, 0.0508 AU), travelling at 15.28 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 30th December, 2013 @ 20:29 UT ±00:01. 

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The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance between Earth and the Moon, equals 384,401 km, (or 0.00256 AU).



Posts: 131433


Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     Mag
2013 12 29    03 58 04.6 +64 04 28   0.05336 1.0199   132.1    45.7    16.9
2013 12 30    02 30 00.0 +65 14 37   0.05134 1.0121   122.8    54.8    17.1
2013 12 31    01 01 11.4 +62 58 00   0.05080 1.0042   112.8    64.5    17.3
2014 01 01    23 52 36.0 +57 55 42   0.05178 0.9961   102.8    74.3    17.7
2014 01 02    23 05 55.9 +51 39 37   0.05417 0.9879    93.3    83.6    18.1
2014 01 03    22 34 31.2 +45 18 34   0.05780 0.9796    84.6    92.0    18.5
2014 01 04    22 12 39.6 +39 27 09   0.06245 0.9712    77.0    99.4    19.0
2014 01 05    21 56 47.9 +34 17 29   0.06790 0.9627    70.4   105.8    19.5
2014 01 06    21 44 50.3 +29 50 17   0.07398 0.9541    64.7   111.3    20.0
2014 01 07    21 35 30.9 +26 01 22   0.08055 0.9453    59.7   116.0    20.5
2014 01 08    21 28 02.2 +22 45 12   0.08750 0.9365    55.4   120.2    20.9
2014 01 09    21 21 53.7 +19 56 20   0.09475 0.9275    51.6   123.8    21.4
2014 01 10    21 16 44.7 +17 30 00   0.1023  0.9184    48.2   127.1    21.8



Posts: 131433

Orbital elements:
2009 XZ1                                            PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0421 AU
Epoch 2012 Sept. 30.0 TT = JDT 2456200.5                MPC
M  70.71584              (2000.0)            P               Q
n   1.24563217     Peri.  152.91942     -0.56897475     +0.81022430
a   0.8554793      Node    82.08249     -0.77788749     -0.47475860
e   0.5339185      Incl.    8.16836     -0.26675606     -0.34371625
P   0.79           H   21.5           G   0.15           U   5

MPEC 2012 - V81



Posts: 131433

The 120 - 280 metre wide asteroid 2009 XZ1 will make a close pass (53.8 lunar distances, 0.1382 AU), travelling at 16.87 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 5th October, 2012 @ 14:06 UT ±00:19. 

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The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance between Earth and the Moon, equals 384,401 km, (or 0.00256 AU).



Posts: 131433

Orbital elements:
2009 XZ1 PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0420 AU
Epoch 2010 Jan. 4.0 TT = JDT 2455200.5 MPC
M 265.69672 (2000.0) P Q
n 1.24291611 Peri. 152.71543 -0.57189018 +0.80803173
a 0.8567251 Node 82.07642 -0.77628865 -0.47730910
e 0.5351958 Incl. 8.21445 -0.26517457 -0.34534149
P 0.79 H 21.5 G 0.15 U 9

MPEC 2009 - X41

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