Romanian amateur astronomers win two international prizes
UNESCO and the International Astronomical Union, the organisers of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA 2009) have recently selected five winners of their prizes extended for the best events organised in the world under the last IYA 2009 cornerstone project called Galilean Nights, with two of them going to Romania. The most impressive award event went to the Romanian society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM) for its 'Galilean Nights in Targoviste'. Read more
Do you have a telescope and/or a camera? Simply take a photo of the night sky and enter a competition at the official Galilean Nights Flickr group who are participating in the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
Your photograph/images must be submitted to the group by the end of 27th October 2009 (GMT), be taken between 17th September 2009 and 27th October 2009 and be tagged with "competition" and the category you are entering, either "earthandsky" or "beyondearth".
For the purposes of the competition, Galilean Objects are taken to be: The Sun Venus The Moon Jupiter Saturn The Milky Way The Pleiades (Messier object 45) The Beehive Cluster (Messier object 44) The Orion Nebula (Messier object 42)
Ed ~ the word on the street says you have a chance winning a telescope or iPodTouch. Also feel free to upload them into the 'Art gallery' section of this site...