A contract for R46 million has just been awarded to a Brits-based company, Optic 1, for the construction of a 33kV power line, and a fibre-optic cable link, in the Karoo. This is just not any ordinary power line and fibre-optic link: these elements are part of the MeerKAT project - a major radio telescope that will gaze out deep into the starry realms of space.
Giant MeerKAT will bring hi-tech astronomy to Karoo, and scientists hope R15bn Square Kilometre Array will follow. How many people know of the big KAT of the Karoo? Not many, because this sleek giant is a major astronomical telescope, which has been developed locally. The MeerKAT, a giant astronomical eye on the sky, is part of an endeavour to see the start of time. And there is big money involved, billions of rands. The telescope concept was initially named the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT). Such a telescope monitors radio waves rather than light.