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TOPIC: Milky Way


Posts: 131433
RE: Milky Way

Astronomers searching for the building blocks of life in a giant dust cloud at the heart of the Milky Way have concluded that it tastes vaguely of raspberries.
The unanticipated discovery follows years of work by astronomers who trained their 30m radio telescope on the enormous ball of dust and gas in the hope of spotting complex molecules that are vital for life.

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Posts: 131433

The effects of a small galaxy colliding with our own almost two billion years ago are still being felt, say an international team of astronomers.
Their findings, which appear on the pre-press physics Web site arXiv, explain why the Milky Way is vibrating, or "ringing," and why stars in it are clustering together.

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Posts: 131433

In a new research, an international team of astronomers has explained that a small galaxy colliding with our own almost two billion years ago has caused the Milky Way to vibrate, or 'ring', that is still being felt.

"Astronomers have known for almost a decade that the Milky Way is ringing" - researcher Professor Ken Freeman of the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University.

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Posts: 131433

25 Random Things About The Milky Way

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Posts: 131433
High velocity streams

Title: Is the Milky Way ringing? The hunt for high velocity streams
Authors: I. Minchev, A. C. Quillen, M. Williams, K. C. Freeman, J. Nordhaus, A. Siebert, O. Bienayme

We perform numerical simulations of a stellar galactic disk with initial conditions chosen to represent an unrelaxed population which might have been left following a merger. Stars are unevenly distributed in radial action angle, though the disk is axisymmetric. The velocity distribution in the simulated Solar neighbourhood exhibits waves travelling in the direction of positive v, where u,v are the radial and tangential velocity components. As the system relaxes and structure wraps in phase space, the features seen in the uv-plane move closer together. We show that these results can be obtained also by a semi-analytical method. We propose that this model could provide an explanation for the high velocity streams seen in the Solar neighbourhood at approximate v in km/s, of -60 (HR 1614), -80 (Arifyanto and Fuchs 2006), -100 (Arcturus), and -160 (Klement et al. 2008). In addition, we predict four new features at v ~ -140, -120, 40 and 60 km/s. By matching the number and positions of the observed streams, we estimate that the Milky Way disk was strongly perturbed ~1.9 Gyr ago. This event could have been associated with Galactic bar formation.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Milky Way

3D map of the Milky Way Galaxy

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Posts: 131433
Galactic Spiral Structure

Title: Galactic Spiral Structure
Authors: Charles Francis, Erik Anderson

We describe the structure and composition of six major stellar streams in a population of 20 574 local stars in the New Hipparcos Reduction with known radial velocities. We find that, once fast moving stars are excluded, almost all stars belong to one of these streams. The results of our investigation have lead us to re-examine the hydrogen maps of the Milky Way, from which we identify the possibility of a symmetric two-armed spiral with half the conventionally accepted pitch angle. We describe a model of spiral arm motions which matches the observed velocities and composition of the six major streams, as well as the observed velocities of the Hyades and Praesepe clusters at the extreme of the Hyades stream. Stellar orbits are perturbed ellipses aligned at a focus in coordinates rotating at the rate of precession of pericentre. Stars join a spiral arm just before apocentre, follow the arm for more than half an orbit, and leave the arm soon after pericentre. Spiral pattern speed equals the mean rate of precession of pericentre. Spiral arms are shown to be stable configurations of stellar orbits, up to the formation of a bar and/or ring. Pitch angle is directly related to the distribution of orbital eccentricities in a given spiral galaxy. We show how spiral galaxies can evolve to form bars and rings. We show that orbits of gas clouds are stable only in bisymmetric spirals. We conclude that the evolution of spiral galaxies is toward grand design two-armed spirals. We infer from the velocity distributions that the Milky Way evolved into this form about 9 Gyrs ago.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Milky Way

How do you weigh the Milky Way?
Earlier this month, astronomers announced a new measurement of the Milky Way's mass - saying it is 50% heftier than thought and about as heavy as our nearest large neighbour, Andromeda.
The new result is a major revision and a full three times larger than another team's recent estimate. It also raises a question: why don't astronomers know how much our home galaxy weighs?

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Posts: 131433
Milky Way Outer Disk

Title: The Outer Disk of the Milky Way Seen in 21-cm Absorption
Authors: John M. Dickey, Simon Strasser, B.M. Gaensler, Marijke Haverkorn, Dain Kavars, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, Jeroen Stil, A. R. Taylor

Three recent surveys of 21-cm line emission in the Galactic plane, combining single dish and interferometer observations to achieve resolution of 1 arcmin to 2 arcmin, 1 km/s, and good brightness sensitivity, have provided some 650 absorption spectra with corresponding emission spectra for study of the distribution of warm and cool phase H I in the interstellar medium. These emission-absorption spectrum pairs are used to study the temperature of the interstellar neutral hydrogen in the outer disk of the Milky Way, outside the solar circle, to a radius of 25 kpc.
The cool neutral medium is distributed in radius and height above the plane with very similar parameters to the warm neutral medium. In particular, the ratio of the emission to the absorption, which gives the mean spin temperature of the gas, stays nearly constant with radius to 25 kpc radius. This suggests that the mixture of cool and warm phases is a robust quantity, and that the changes in the interstellar environment do not force the H I into a regime where there is only one temperature allowed. The mixture of atomic gas phases in the outer disk is roughly 15% to 20% cool (40 K to 60 K), the rest warm, corresponding to mean spin temperature 250 to 400 K.
The Galactic warp appears clearly in the absorption data, and other features on the familiar longitude-velocity diagram have analogues in absorption with even higher contrast than for 21-cm emission. In the third and fourth Galactic quadrants the plane is quite flat, in absorption as in emission, in contrast to the strong warp in the first and second quadrants. The scale height of the cool gas is similar to that of the warm gas, and both increase with Galactic radius in the outer disk.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Milky Way

The solar system is orbiting the centre of the Milky Way at a giddy 600,000 mph - 100,000 mph faster than was thought.
Astronomers have also discovered that the Milky Way's mass is 50 per cent greater, equal to the neighbouring Andromeda galaxy, which means there is a greater chance of the Milky Way colliding with other galaxies.

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