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Post Info TOPIC: The Hum


Posts: 131433

The mystery of the "Bermuda Triangle" of the homing pigeon world may have been solved.
For years, scientists have been baffled as to why the usually excellent navigators get lost when released from a particular site in New York State.
But new research suggests the birds are using low frequency sounds to find their way around - and they cannot hear the rumble at this US location.
The sound originates in the ocean. Waves in the deep ocean are interfering and they create sound in both the atmosphere and the Earth.

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Posts: 131433
Windsor Hum

Meteor expert joins investigation into infamous 'Windsor Hum'

The Government of Canada launched a new study today to identify the cause of the so-called 'Windsor Hum,' which will be conducted, in part, by renowned Western University astronomer Peter Brown.
Teaming with University of Windsor's Colin Novak, Brown and the Western Meteor Physics Group will investigate the Windsor Hum, the recurring vibration and noise that has been disturbing people in the southwestern region for almost two years.

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Posts: 131433
Earth's Hum

Earth's "hum" helps probe planet's interior

The global "hum" of the Earth is now helping scientists probe the planet's deep interior, a group of researchers say.
Since this hum -- called seismic noise, which is generated by sources such as storm-driven ocean waves -- is detectable everywhere on Earth, it could help scientists analyse the innards of the planet worldwide, investigators added in a new study detailed in the Nov. 23 issue of the journal Science.

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Posts: 131433
RE: The Hum

A village in Durham is the latest place to report a strange vibrating noise - known as "the hum". Why is it such a mystery?
According to sufferers, it is as if someone has parked next to your house and left the engine running. The Hum is a mystery low frequency noise, a phenomenon that has been reported across Britain, North America and Australia in the past four decades.
There are a range of theories from farm or factory machinery to conspiracy theories such as flying saucers. And yet, 'the hum' remains an unsolved case.

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Posts: 131433

For decades, hundreds of people worldwide have been plagued by an elusive buzzing noise known as "the Hum". Some have blamed gas pipes or power lines, others think their ears are faulty. A few even think sinister forces could be at work.

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