The American Meteorite Laboratory, through the cooperation of Mr. Frank Clay Cross, recently received a very interesting report to the effect that a meteorite had crashed through a house-roof in Stone County, Missouri, near Point Lookout in the year 1916. Naturally the report was doubted for the reason that many similar accounts which have been received in the past have proved to be either impossible of verification or definitely false. When the specimen arrived at our Laboratory it proved surprisingly to be a genuine aerolite whose state of preservation was almost perfect. Read more
Baxter is an L6 ordinary chondrite that fell in Stone County, Missouri. This 611 gram stone, reported to have struck a house in 1916, was purchased for the Nininger meteorite collection after it came to the attention of H.H. Nininger in 1938. Read more
In the 18th January, 1916, a 611 gram ordinary chondrite (L6) meteorite fell through the roof of a house. near the village of Baxter in Stone County, Missouri.