An Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment (ANDE) micro-satellite, Fence Calibration (FCAL) sphere that was launched on the 10th December, 2006, from the STS-116 Space Shuttle Discovery Cargo Bay, re-entered the Earths atmosphere on the 25th May, 2008 @ 11:19 GMT ± 2 Minutes. The 19 inches in diameter sphere was used to gather information on atmospheric drag in low-Earth orbit.
Predicted Location 39.4° N, 52.4° E Inclination 51.6° Revolution Number 8293
The Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment (ANDE) is an experiment using two spherical satellites to measure the affects of atmospheric drag on spacecraft. ANDE is part of the Space Test Program of the United States Department of Defence, and was deployed in September 2006 from the Space Shuttle Discovery. Source