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TOPIC: Mars Science Laboratory mission


Posts: 131433
RE: Mars Science Laboratory mission

Nasa Mars rover mission lines up on target

Nasa's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), currently en route to the Red Planet, has had its course corrected to put it on target for an August landing.
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Posts: 131433

Trajectory Manoeuvre Slated for Jan. 11

An engine firing on Jan. 11 will be the biggest manoeuvre that NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft will perform on its flight between Earth and Mars.
The action will use a choreographed sequence of firings of eight thruster engines during a period of about 175 minutes beginning at 3 p.m. PST (6 p.m. EST or 2300 Universal Time). It will redirect the spacecraft more precisely toward Mars to land at Gale Crater. The trajectory resulting from the mission's Nov. 26, 2011, launch intentionally misses Mars to prevent the upper stage of the launch vehicle from hitting the planet. That upper stage was not cleaned the way the spacecraft itself was to protect Mars from Earth's microbes.

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Posts: 131433

NASA Mars-Bound Rover Begins Research in Space

NASA's car-sized Curiosity rover has begun monitoring space radiation during its 8-month trip from Earth to Mars. The research will aid in planning for future human missions to the Red Planet.
Curiosity launched on Nov. 26 from Cape Canaveral, Fla., aboard the Mars Science Laboratory. The rover carries an instrument called the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) that monitors high-energy atomic and subatomic particles from the sun, distant supernovas and other sources.

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Posts: 131433
Curiosity Rover

NASA's Curiosity Rover might contaminate Martian samples

NASA's Curiosity rover, on route to its destination since it launched on November 26, had a mishap in its cleaning phase, and as such some of its drill bits weren't sterilised properly, after a final ultra-cleanliness step wasn't ensured, thus deviating from the planetary protection plans scripted for the Mars Science Laboratory mission.
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Posts: 131433
RE: Mars Science Laboratory mission

University of Leicester team set to be among first people to view images from surface of Mars

The University of Leicester is to play a key role in NASA's $2.5 billion mission to Mars.
Dr John Bridges of the University's Space Research Centre, leads a team from the University of Leicester, the Open University and CNES France which have been accepted as participating scientists on the Mars Science Laboratory Mission, which lands in August 2012.
John Bridges will be among the first people to study images returned after landing, to determine the conditions associated with the presence of water. The Leicester-led team will focus on determining the conditions associated with the presence of water in past epochs at the landing site.

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Posts: 131433

1 37936U 11070A   11330.63367477 +.00002150 -67876-5 +00000-0 0 00010
2 37936 028.9200 110.9743 0119700 209.9800 280.8300 16.12596573000008

ATLAS 5 RB 1 37937U 11070B 11330.64727546 +.00002129 -67248-5 +00000-0 0 00018 2 37937 028.9400 110.9743 0076526 212.2200 357.6640 16.12595291000006

Period:       89.3 minutes
Inclination: 28.940°
Apogee:     290 km
Perigee:     189 km



Posts: 131433

At 10:02 yesterday ( 15:02 GMT), the space rover Curiosity became the 39th exploratory mission to Mars. Nasa's latest venture left Cape Canaveral, in Florida, with the most ambitious task yet - to find out whether Mars is, or ever has been, suitable for life. There's a lot more that they hope to find out, but how much do you know about the Red Planet?
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Posts: 131433

Mars rover blasts off with Finnish tech onboard

The rover, nicknamed Curiosity, includes equipment designed by the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
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Posts: 131433

NASA Launches Most Capable and Robust Rover to Mars

NASA began a historic voyage to Mars with the Nov. 26 launch of the Mars Science Laboratory, which carries a car-sized rover named Curiosity. Liftoff from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station aboard an Atlas V rocket occurred at 10:02 a.m. EST (7:02 a.m. PST).
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Posts: 131433

Giant Nasa rover launches to Mars

Nasa has launched the most capable machine ever built to land on Mars.
The one-tonne rover, tucked inside a capsule, left Florida on an Atlas 5 rocket at 10:02 local time (15:02 GMT).
Nicknamed Curiosity, the rover will take eight and a half months to cross the vast distance to its destination.

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