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TOPIC: Stupid person for today


Posts: 131433
RE: Stupid person for today

A vandal who scrawled his name across an iconic monument was being hunted by police yesterday.
The dim-witted tourist left graffiti on ancient stone houses at the 5000-year-old Skara Brae site on Orkney.
And he helpfully put his own name to the damage, with the message "Brian Finlay slept here" scribbled on a stone bed post.
Police have traced the name to a silver L-reg Hyundai car, which is visiting the islands.
The car is due to leave Orkney for the mainland tomorrow. Officers will be waiting for it at the ferry terminal.

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Police searching for vandals who scrawled graffiti at the site of the ancient Skara Brae settlement are now looking for a 35-year-old man.
The man, who might speak with a Liverpudlian accent, is said to be 5ft 6 in, of medium build with fair hair.

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-- Edited by Blobrana at 01:27, 2007-08-18



Posts: 131433

Joe Kro-Art, owner of Ocean Gallery World Centre on the Boardwalk at Second Street, is proposing to create "Boathenge" on the Ocean City beach outside his store. The monument would be similar to "Carhenge" with 38 boats forming a structure in the image of Stonehenge.

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Posts: 131433

Colin Baker of the Numerology Association reports a recent surge in interest in all things digital. His members are regularly called to radio and TV studios on auspicious dates, including, most recently, 7 July (07/07/07).

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 "Numbers are inherently interesting - the patterns they make, their properties and relationships are remarkable, and have fascinated mathematicians for thousands of years - but to attribute bogus properties to them, be they predictive or superstitious, is just a bit sad" - Simon Singh, the maths enthusiast and acclaimed author of Fermat's Last Theorem and Big Bang.



Posts: 131433

Include your photos in a Stonehenge time capsule
Ian Ray grew up near Stonehenge, and inspired by Stonehenges mysteries, Ray decided to build a time capsule to preserve a record of today `as a gift to the future so history wouldnt be lost again`. Ray is offering access via the Internet in the hope of collecting entries from  people around the world.

He hopes to have a  time capsule containing text and images to be  buried at the Stonehenge UNESCO World Heritage site on June 21, 2008.
Visit www.e-timecapsule.com to take part, submit your text and JPEG or PNG before June 16, 2008.
You need to enter your credit card billing information ($8.95 USD charge)

Ed -  Please note: As a UNESCO World Heritage site, stonehenge  is usually protected from  unauthorised digging, desecration, or  placement of  `time capsules`. Strangely, the website claims that the  National Trust (UK) has granted Ian Ray permission to vault a time capsule, albeit at  another site  a little distance away at the King Barrow Ridge  (which is  still on the  Stonehenge World Heritage Site).
Ian Ray  probably has good intensions but  this idea stinks.



Posts: 131433

The idiot for today is the person who is trying to sell  a 20 pound piece  from his so called Grand Mars meteorite for US $7,333,300.00.

Needless to say it is clearly not a meteorite.    

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Posts: 131433

Today's stupid person is Tim Akers.

A British archaeologist claims to have found an Australian warship that disappeared in 1941 with all 645 of her crew.
Tim Akers says that HMAS Sydney lies two miles (3.2km) beneath the Indian Ocean, and that he pinpointed the ships location from the comfort of his home in Wetherby, Yorkshire.
Mr Akers found the ship, and other lost hulks like it, using a computer program that analyses aerial and satellite photographs, using infra-red, ultraviolet and X-ray.

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"All the advice we're getting is saying Tim's claims are technically not possible. We've spoken to a whole lot of people and got advice from various people including technical people in government departments and they have all stated that what Tim's claiming is complete rubbish" - Ted Graham, chairman of the Perth-based volunteer company HMAS Sydney Search (HMA3S).




Posts: 131433

Today's stupid person is NASA Administrator Michael Griffin, for his conversation with Steve Inskeep in which he reveals that , I have no doubt that a trend of global warming exists. I am not sure that it is fair to say that it is a problem we must wrestle with.

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Posts: 131433

Piece of my deck hit by meteorshowers
Your are bidding on a hole burned through my deck! I will cut it out to the size you would like. This happened about 6 months ago, there is 1 big hole burned straight through and two small hole 12 foot away slightly burned. Not sure what did it, what ever it was was so hot it burned through without leaving any burn marks around the hole. I'm quessing it was a metorite, or comet particles. Hopefully someone can display this as art or or what ever you wish! Happy bidding serious bidders only, thanks josh

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Posts: 131433

Rio DiAngelo has a message he wants to share with the world. It's an important message, one that begins in space. That's where he came from, and where he will one day return, following in the footsteps of his 39 friends. Bearers of the same message, those 39 friends received their culminating cosmic transmission 12 years ago, when amateur astronomer Alan Hale stood in his driveway one summer evening around midnight, pointed his telescope low and due south and saw something that wasn't there before. Five hundred miles away, Thomas Bopp's telescope revealed the same object, burning with a 10.5 magnitude near the globular cluster M70, just outside Sagittarius' bow, near the Archer's heart. It was a comet, 25 miles wide, a titanic piece of ice plunging through space at up to 90,000 mph. When the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams confirmed the object, C/1995 01 officially became known as Hale-Bopp. Something that big comes through our solar system only occasionally. Trailing multiple sputtering yellow and blue tails of dust, ion gases and sodium atoms 20 million miles long, Hale-Bopp would become the brightest celestial visitor to our solar system in a millennium.




Posts: 131433

Head Wikipedian Jimmy Wales, having previously defended the Wikipedian administrator Ryan Jordan, who faked an elaborate online identity - "Essjay" - as a distinguished religion scholar, has this morning asked his beleaguered colleague to resign, saying that his "past support of EssJay in this matter was fully based on a lack of knowledge about what has been going on."

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