Maar craters
Want to study craters? Geologists grab explosives and make some While craters cover many other bodies in the solar system, plate tectonics and weathering continually renew the Earth's surface, preserving its youthful beauty. Still, that process doesn't happen overnight, and there are many cra...
Geomagnetic reversal
An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano 41,000 years ago, a complete and rapid reversal of the geomagnetic field occured. Magnetic studies of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences on sediment cores from the Black Sea show that during...
Stratosphere Targets Deep Sea to Shape Climate A University of Utah study suggests something amazing: Periodic changes in winds 15 to 30 miles high in the stratosphere influence the seas by striking a vulnerable "Achilles heel" in the North Atlantic and changing mile-deep ocean circu...
Al 'Aziziyah
On 13 September 1922, a high temperature of 57.8°C (136°F) was recorded in Al 'Aziziyah, which is the highest temperature ever measured on Earth. However, that reading is controversial... Read more
Malden Island
Malden Island, sometimes called Independence Island in the nineteenth century, is a low, arid, uninhabited island in the central Pacific Ocean, about 39 km² in area. Malden was discovered on 30 July 1825 by Captain The 7th Lord Byron (a cousin of the famous poet). Byron, commanding the British wars...
Namibia aquifer
Vast aquifer found in Namibia could last for centuries A newly discovered water source in Namibia could have a major impact on development in the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa. Estimates suggest the aquifer could supply the north of the country for 400 years at current rates of consumption....
Outstanding for the past 15 million years Switzerland's highest peaks in the geologically young central Alps have been this high for quite some time, as a new study shows. 15 million years ago Europes own mountain range was at least as high as today. Scientists at the Biodiversity and Climate Resear...
Les pièces du puzzle géologique méditerranéen réunies pour la première fois une carte terre/mer au 1/4 000.000 Que tous les passionnés de géologie, de cartographie, d'atlas et de Méditerranée se réjouissent. Ils pourront désormais satisfaire leur curiosité grâce à la nouvelle carte morpho-t...
Planet Earth
A Timelapse of Planet Earth, October 2011 to March 2012 A time-lapse of Planet Earth, created from images produced by the geostationary Electro-L Weather Satellite. The images were obtained from October 14th, 2011 to April 1st, 2012. Th...
Gaia hypothesis
UMD Finding May Hold Key to Gaia Theory of Earth as Living Organism Is Earth really a sort of giant living organism as the Gaia hypothesis predicts? A new discovery made at the University of Maryland may provide a key to answering this question. This key of sulphur could allow scientists to unlock her...
North Icelandic Jet
Newly Discovered Icelandic Current Could Change North Atlantic Climate Picture An international team of researchers, including physical oceanographers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), has confirmed the presence of a deep-reaching ocean circulation system off Icelan...
Atlantis Massif
Expedition to Undersea Mountain Yields New Information About Sub-Seafloor Structure Scientists recently concluded an expedition aboard the research vessel JOIDES Resolution to learn more about Atlantis Massif, an undersea mountain, or seamount, that formed in a very different way than the m...
Lake Untersee
Antarctic lake hides bizarre ecosystem In the eerie bluish-purple depths of an Antarctic lake, scientists have discovered otherworldly mounds that tell tales of the planets early days. Bacteria slowly built the mounds, known as stromatolites, layer by layer on the lake bottom. The lumps, which...
Mohorovicic discontinuity
Mapping the Mohorovicic discontinuity with GOCE The first global high-resolution map of the boundary between Earth's crust and mantle - the Mohorovicic discontinuity - has been produced based on data from ESA's GOCE gravity satellite. Understanding the Mohorovicic discontinuity will offer n...
Sahara desert
Earth from Space: Algerian sands Credit ESA Earth from Space is presented by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. In the fourteenth edition we look at the sandy and rocky terrain of the Sahara desert in western Alger...