Asteroid 14282 (2097 P-L)
According to a report in Voetbal International, an asteroid has been named after Netherlands and Barcelona legend Johan Cruyff. The asteroid was previously known under the less illustrious name '14282'. Read more
Asteroid 2010 BK118
Orbital elements: 2010 BK118 Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5 MPC M 359.87361 (2000.0) P Q n 0.00019576 Peri. 178.65932 +0.99854274 -0.03408703 a 293.7590326 Node 175.92497 -0.05335268 -0.50692942 e 0.9791498 Incl. 143.93124 -0.00811704 -0.86131332 P 5030 H 10.3 G 0.15 [url=http://www...
Asteroid 2010 PS65
Orbital elements: 2010 PS65 Earth MOID = 0.0452 AU Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5 MPC M 356.94835 (2000.0) P Q n 0.20143785 Peri. 153.12680 +0.69179579 +0.72208656 a 2.8820975 Node 160.64511 -0.66417593 +0.63798525 e 0.6324865 Incl. 0.53526 -0.28335299 +0.26751788 P 4.89 H 24.6 G 0.15 U 6...
Asteroid 2005 YY1
The 64 - 140 metre wide asteroid 2005 YY1 will make a close pass (50.9 lunar distances, 0.1307 AU), travelling at 11.71 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 11th December, 2010 @ 18:15 UT. See more The Lunar Distance (...
Asteroid (5356) 1991 FF1
The magnitude 16.6 asteroid (5356) 1991 FF1 will occult the magnitude 6.3 star HD 19525 in the constellation Cetus at 08:49 UT, 24th August 2010. The 2.1 second event is visible from Venezuela, Colombia and Central America. Position(2000): RA 03 08 38.7915, Dec +08 28 15.850
Asteroid (10217) Richardcook
The magnitude 15.6 asteroid (10217) Richardcook will occult the magnitude 8.0 star HD 16629 (AK Ari) in the constellation Aries, at ~10:45 UT, 23rd August, 2010. The 1.0 second event is visible from Central America. Position(2000): RA 02 40 31.7307, Dec +21 11 16.179
Asteroid 2008 OS9
The 350 - 780 metre wide asteroid 2008 OS9 will make a close pass (73.6 lunar distances, 0.1890 AU), travelling at 16.98 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 23rd August, 2010 @ 13:46 UT. See more The Lunar Distance (LD), the distance between Earth and the Moon, equals 384,401 km, (or 0.00256 AU)...
Asteroid 2010 QN1
Orbital elements: 2010 QN1 Earth MOID = 0.2263 AU Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5 MPC M 265.08630 (2000.0) P Q n 0.80751302 Peri. 318.14502 -0.18484602 -0.93582430 a 1.1420971 Node 139.65025 +0.97888263 -0.20244614 e 0.4486456 Incl. 27.61460 +0.08729693 +0.28852806 P 1.22 H 20.2 G 0.15 U 8...
Asteroid (162463) 2000 JH5
The 920 - 2100 metre wide asteroid 2000 JH5 will make a close pass (47.0 lunar distances, 0.1208 AU), travelling at 2.65 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 7th December, 2010 @ 20:36 UT. See more The Lunar Distance (LD),...
Asteroid 2007 RU12
Orbital elements: 2007 RU12 Earth MOID = 0.2746 AU Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5 MPC M 285.67828 (2000.0) P Q n 0.28427820 Peri. 334.59733 +0.85474992 -0.50899386 a 2.2907288 Node 56.37452 +0.49460694 +0.73938288 e 0.4490454 Incl. 7.01028 +0.15737392 +0.44072464 P 3.47 H 20.0 G 0.15 U 1 [...
Asteroid 2010 PY75
Orbital elements: 2010 PY75 Earth MOID = 0.2433 AU Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5 MPC M 340.89664 (2000.0) P Q n 0.23926011 Peri. 135.97323 +0.59311749 -0.62077022 a 2.5697400 Node 270.28484 +0.52065928 +0.78145785 e 0.7661335 Incl. 30.84392 +0.61410550 -0.06299179 P 4.12 H 18.4 G 0.15 U...
Asteroid 2005 GC120
The 320 - 700 metre wide asteroid 2005 GC120 will make a close pass (16.9 lunar distances, 0.0434 AU), travelling at 19.03 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 1st December, 2010 @ 05:18 UT. See more The Lunar Dista...
Asteroid 2010 PU66
Orbital elements: 2010 PU66 Earth MOID = 0.1449 AU Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5 MPC M 19.16748 (2000.0) P Q n 0.55178882 Peri. 267.29471 -0.20365963 +0.97772994 a 1.4721570 Node 350.48860 -0.73134716 -0.18633451 e 0.3841889 Incl. 17.85480 -0.65088716 -0.09655884 P 1.79 H 21.8 G 0.15 U 9...
Asteroid 2010 PS66
Orbital elements: 2010 PS66 Earth MOID = 0.0148 AU Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5 MPC M 357.79920 (2000.0) P Q n 0.63064426 Peri. 126.15680 +0.53605930 +0.84417953 a 1.3467276 Node 176.25841 -0.78011676 +0.49590312 e 0.2424489 Incl. 1.01842 -0.32258063 +0.20357066 P 1.56 H 24.6 G 0.15 U 8...
Asteroid 2010 OH126
Orbital elements: 2010 OH126 Earth MOID = 0.0639 AU Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5 MPC M 9.76454 (2000.0) P Q n 0.41688049 Peri. 174.70797 +0.04550376 +0.97105549 a 1.7747138 Node 97.75124 -0.92499479 +0.12959708 e 0.4642240 Incl. 13.68842 -0.37724534 -0.20063854 P 2.36 H 21.3 G 0.15 U 8 [...