Participez ā la Science en profane
Participez ā la Science en profane Vendredi 30 septembre et Samedi 1er octobre LPNHE 4 place Jussieu - Tour 12 RdC salle 08 - 75005 Paris En astronomie, il existe une trčs ancienne tradition de participation des amateurs ā la recherche, mais cette pratique est-elle ouverte ā tous les amateurs et est-...
James A. Van Allen RIP
James A. Van Allen, the University of Iowa scientist and pioneer of the early US space program and the discoverer of the Earths radiation belts, has passed away on Wednesday at the age of 91.
Van Allen is best known for developing the instrument that detected the radiation belts that surround the Ea...
Venus Exploration Analysis Group
Scientists Perceive NASA Bias Against Venus Venus would seem to be a tempting destination for planetary probes: conveniently close, and an extreme laboratory for atmospheric processes familiar on Earth. So why won't NASA send a mission there? That was the frustrated question coming from scient...
2011 Eugene Shoemaker Memorial Award
Philip R. Christensen, the principal investigator for numerous instruments of Mars exploration carried on NASA spacecraft, will receive the 2011 Eugene Shoemaker Memorial Award Oct. 13 at Arizona State University. The award, established five years ago by ASU's BEYOND Centre for Fundamental C...
Space Camp 2011
Space Camp 2011: An International Experience Through these doors enter the next generation of scientists engineers and astronauts. This is the motto of Space Camp, and it is only too true. Last week I attended Space Camp for a second time. Read more
Dagen H
Dagen H (H day), today mostly called "Högertrafikomläggningen" ("The right-hand traffic diversion"), was the day, 3 September 1967, on which traffic in Sweden switched from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right. The "H" stands for "Högert...
Gregorian calendar
Britain and the British Empire (including the eastern part of what is now the United States) adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752, by which time it was necessary to correct by 11 days. Wednesday, 2 September 1752 was followed by Thursday, 14 September 1752. Read more
Burning Man Festival
Every year, media coverage of Burning Man gets it wrong. Scott G presents many myth-busting details about the annual celebration held the week before Labour Day on the Playa of Black Rock Desert, 120 miles north of Reno, Nevada. Fiction: In the media, Burning Man is sometimes called an unstructured...
London Decompression 2011
London Decompression 2011 is happening on Friday 21st October 2011. Read more A decompression party, decom or decomp is a local reunion for Burning Man participants to help ease themselves back into everyday society after the "big event"...
Artists in Space
Artists in Space Speaker: David A. Hardy Date: 1 September 2011 Start Time: 7 pm End Time: 8:30 pm Venue: BIS, 27/29 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, London, SW8 1SZ This talk covers the development of astronomical art from its earliest beginnings, and charts its progress through the French artist Luc...
Ganesh festival
Ganesha Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi is the Hindu festival of Ganesha, the son of Shiva and Parvati, who is believed to bestow his presence on earth for all his devotees in the duration of this festival. Read more
25th Annual AIAA
Wanted - New small satellite launch vehicles Small satellites are growing in popularity for many reasons. As a result, the search is on for more flexible and cost-effective small satellite launch solutions. Amongst all the researchers and small satellite enthusiasts at the recent 25th Annual AI...
Yohkoh Re-Entry
The Solar X-ray Observatory "Yohkoh" (SOLAR-A) will re-enter the earth's atmosphere as it has completed its in-orbit life.
It is predicted that the main body of the Yohkoh will vaporise during re-entry; therefore it will not make land-fall.
The Yohkoh was launched aboard M-3S-I...
August 2011
1 2 3
Meteor Showers August has one major meteor shower. The Perseids Meteor Shower that peaks on August 13th. Shower Activity Period Maximum Radiant Velocity ZHR DateR.A. Dec. km/s S. Delta-AquariidsJuly 14-Aug 1830th July3.9h-51.8d14 km/s11.2Gamma Aquarids 2 August Alpha Ursa Majorid...
1 Thoth
The first day of the Egyptian calendar, 1 Thoth. Read more