On a clear, cool night in the early 1960s, a father drove his young, pyjama-clad daughter to one of the T-head piers on Corpus Christi Bay to marvel at an object in the sky. The girl who peered up at the sky was Sandy Wood, and this year marked her twentieth anniversary as the voice of the nationally syndicated radio program StarDate. Speaking in her distinctive warm and soothing tone over synthesized tinkling chimes, Wood provides a daily two-minute peek into the world of astronomy, expounding on topics as varied as newly discovered quasars and the best place to watch a meteor shower. Read more
StarDate announcer Sandy Wood of San Antonio will be honoured this Thursday, August 31, for 15 years as presenter of the long-running astronomy radio feature. Texas Public Radio is sponsoring the event, called “Hands on the Night Sky,” for members of its radio stations. (The event is not open to the public.) StarDate made its debut on the nation’s airwaves in 1978. Today, it’s the longest-running nationally broadcast science module. Wood became StarDate announcer on September 16, 1991.