Transneptunian object 2014 FT71 is located in the Kuiper Belt and is in a 4:7 resonance with Neptune. 2014 FT71 is approximately 507 kilometers in diameter, making it a candidate for dwarf planet status. The Transneptunian object is a possible Haumea family member. The Transneptunian object has an orbital eccentricity of 0.131 and has a semi-major axis of 43.614 AU. Its perihelion distance is 37,881 AU, and its aphelion is 49,346 AU. 2014 FT71 was discovered by Scott S. Sheppard and Chadwick Trujillo on the 24th March 2014. A Pre-discovery image was recorded on the 25th March 2011.
Orbital elements:
2014 FT71
Epoch 2015 June 27.0 TT = JDT 2457200.5 MPC
M 226.57229 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.00342189 Peri. 354.62440 +0.94784373 +0.29901433
a 43.6139392 Node 346.33364 -0.27225510 +0.57946094
e 0.1314384 Incl. 27.85022 -0.16573902 +0.75816585
P 288 H 4.7 G 0.15 U 6