Title: J1649+26: A Grand-Design Spiral with a Large Double-Lobed Radio Source Author: Minnie Y. Mao, Frazer Owen, Ryan Duffin, Bill Keel, Mark Lacy, Emmanuel Momjian, Glenn Morrison, Tony Mroczkowski, Susan Neff, Ray P. Norris, Henrique Schmitt, Vicki Toy, Sylvain Veilleux
We report the discovery of a grand-design spiral galaxy associated with a double-lobed radio source. J1649+2635 (z = 0.0545) is a red spiral galaxy with a prominent bulge that it is associated with a L1.4GHz ~1024WHz-1 double-lobed radio source that spans almost 100kpc. J1649+2635 has a black hole mass of MBH~ 3--7 x 108 solar masses and SFR~ 0.26 -- 2.6 solar masses year-1. The galaxy hosts a ~96kpc diffuse optical halo, which is unprecedented for spiral galaxies. We find that J1649+2635 resides in an overdense environment with a mass of Mdyn=7.7+7.9-4.3 x 1013 solar masses, likely a galaxy group below the detection threshold of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. We suggest one possible scenario for the association of double-lobed radio emission from J1649+2635 is that the source may be similar to a Seyfert galaxy, located in a denser-than-normal environment. The study of spiral galaxies that host large-scale radio emission is important because although rare in the local Universe, these sources may be more common at high-redshifts.