Last week friends and myself motored to Moorleah to inspect the meteorite described in the "Advocate" of 13th inst. We were fortunate in finding Mr. F. Watts and sons at work in the very paddock where the object fell, and were shown the aperture in the ground whence it was excavated. We were then taken to the house and shown this curious visitor from the skies, which is dark brown in colour, and resembles a mass of iron which has been fused and solidified again. Source
Quite a number of residents of the Table Cape municipality on Thursday evening last heard peculiar noises very much resembling the noise which accompanies forked lightning, but the general opinion appeared to be that it was an electrical disturbance of some description, and little was thought of it. The discovery, however, on Mr. Fred. Watts' farm at Moorleeah of some substance of meteoric origin has occasioned much more interest to be taken in the matter, and it would not be surprising if it does not arouse interest among scientists in other parts of the world. Read more