Title: The very energetic, broad-lined type Ic Supernova 2010ah (PTF10bzf) in the context of GRB/SNe Authors: Paolo A. Mazzali (1,2,3), Emma S. Walker (4,5), Elena Pian (5,6), Masaomi Tanaka (7), Alessandra Corsi (8), Takashi Hattori (9), Avishay Gal-Yam (10) ((1) INAF-OAPadova (2) Astrophysics Research Institute, John Moores Univ. (3) MPA (4) Yale University (5) Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (6) INAF-IASFBO (7) NAOJ (8) George Washington Univ. (9) Subaru Telescope (10) Weizmann Institute of Science)
SN2010ah, a very broad-lined type Ic SN discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory, was interesting because of its relatively high luminosity and the high velocity of the absorption lines, which was comparable to that of GRB/SNe, suggesting a high explosion kinetic energy. However, no GRB was detected in association with the SN. Here, the properties of SN2010ah are determined with higher accuracy than previous studies through modelling. New Subaru telescope photometry is presented. A bolometric light curve is constructed taking advantage of the spectral similarity with SN1998bw. Radiation transport tools are used to reproduce the spectra and the light curve. The results thus obtained regarding ejecta mass, composition and kinetic energy are then used to compute a synthetic light curve. This is in reasonable agreement with the early bolometric light curve of SN2010ah, but a high abundance of 56Ni at high velocity is required to reproduce the early rise, while a dense inner core must be used to reproduce the slow decline at late phases. The high-velocity 56Ni cannot have been located on our line of sight, which may be indirect evidence for an off-axis, aspherical explosion. The main properties of SN2010ah are: ejected mass ~ 3 solar masses; kinetic energy ~10^52 erg, M(56Ni) ~ 0.25 solar masses. The mass located at v >~ 0.1c is ~0.2 solar masses. Although these values, in particular the kinetic energy, are quite large for a SN Ic, they are all smaller (especially the ejecta mass) than those typical of GRB/SNe. This confirms the tendency for these quantities to correlate, and suggests that there are minimum requirements for a GRB/SN, which SN2010ah may not meet although it comes quite close. Depending on whether a neutron star or a black hole was formed following core collapse, SN2010ah was the explosion of a CO core of ~ 5-6 solar masses, pointing to a progenitor mass of ~24 - 28 solar masses.
E. O. Ofek, D. A. Howell, M. M. Kasliwal, A. Gal-Yam, J. S. Bloom, P. Nugent, M. Sullivan, R. Quimby, S. B. Cenko, D. Poznanski, and S. R. Kulkarni, on behalf of the "Palomar Transient Factory" collaboration, report their discovery of a young, broad-line type-Ic supernova (magnitude R = 18.8) on Feb. 23.504 UT. The new object, designated 2010ah, is located at R.A. = 11h44m02s.99, Decl. = +55o41'27".6 (equinox 2000.0), which is about 5".2 from the galaxy SDSS J114402.98+554122.5 in p.a. 7 deg. Nothing is visible at this position in previous images of the same field taken on Feb. 19.439 (limiting magnitude R about 20.9). CBET 2198