Title: The Alhama de Murcia fault (SE Spain), a seismogenic fault in a diffuse plate boundary: Seismotectonic implications for the Ibero-Magrebian region Authors: E. Masana, J. J. Martínez-Díaz, J. L. Hernández-Enrile, P. Santanach
The shortening between the African and the Iberian plates is absorbed by a number of faults distributed over a very wide zone with very low slip rates and long periods of seismic loading. Thus a seismotectonic map based only on faults associated with seismicity or with expressive geomorphic features is incomplete. It is possible to characterise seismogenic faults using paleoseismology. First, paleoseismological results based on trenching analysis in the eastern Betics (Lorca-Totana segment of the Alhama de Murcia fault) are presented. The main paleoseismic parameters of this fault segment are (1) a minimum of two to three M w 6.5-7 earthquakes in the last 27 kyr (shortly before 1650 A.D., between 830 and 2130 B.C. and shortly before 16.7 ka, respectively), with a mean recurrence period of 14 kyr, and a very short elapsed time, and (2) a net slip rate of 0.07-0.6 mm/yr during the last 30 kyr.
La falla de Alhama de Murcia ha sufrido al menos seis grandes terremotos en los últimos 300.000 años
Un grupo internacional de investigadores, con participación española, ha identificado en la historia más reciente de la falla de Alhama de Murcia seis grandes terremotos de magnitud superior a 7. Según los científicos, esto proporciona una "evidencia convincente" de que las magnitudes máximas de sismicidad en la zona son superiores a las que se pensaba. Read more