Title: GRB100814A as a member of the growing set of bursts with sudden optical rebrightening Authors: Massimiliano De Pasquale, N. P. Kuin, S. Oates, M. Page, S. Zane, C. Saxton, S. Schulze, Z. Cano, C. Guidorzi, P. Chandra, D. Frail, P. Evans, A. Beardmore, A. Castro-Tirado, J. Gorosabel, T. Fatkhullin, C. Akerlof, S. B. Pandey, M. Im, Z. L. Uhm, Y. Urata, L. Huang, S. Pak, Y. Jeon, B. Zhang
We present the gamma-ray, X-ray, optical and radio data for GRB100814A. At the end of the slow decline phase of the X-ray and optical afterglow, a sudden and prominent rebrightening in the optical band occurs followed by a fast decay in both bands. This optical rebrightening is accompanied by possible chromatic variations. We discuss possible interpretations, such as double component scenarios and internal dissipation mechanism, with their virtues and drawbacks. We also compare GRB100814A with other Swift bursts that show optical rebrightenings with similar properties.