Orbital elements:
2012 KA Earth MOID = 0.0015 AU
Epoch 2012 May 13.0 TT = JDT 2456060.5 MPC
M 332.91950 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.56833294 Peri. 233.51378 +0.31687614 +0.91193284
a 1.4434470 Node 56.99105 -0.74001338 +0.40964357
e 0.3755869 Incl. 18.11280 -0.59327035 -0.02388787
P 1.73 H 28.8 G 0.15
From 12 observations 2012 May 16-16.
The 4 - 10 metre wide asteroid 2012 KA will make a close pass (0.6 lunar distances, 0.0015 AU), travelling at 13.63 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 17th May, 2012 @ 19:43 UT ±00:21.