Orbital elements:
Epoch 2011 Mar. 20.0 TT = JDT 2455640.5
T 2011 Mar. 18.75987 TT MPC
q 3.4793860 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.10679848 Peri. 25.77233 -0.88147362 -0.46265925
a 4.3997298 Node 126.34386 +0.41041024 -0.84964507
e 0.2091819 Incl. 6.74531 +0.23359729 -0.25308038
P 9.23
From 32 observations 2002 Mar. 11-2012 May 2
Comet P/2012 H1 (PANSTARRS) was discovered on the 7th February, 2011, by the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage was on the 20th March, 2011, at a distance of 3.48 AU from the Sun, and an orbital period of 9.23 years.