Asteroid (3325) TARDIS makes its closest approach to the Earth (2.259 AU) on the 20th June, 2013.
Date UT R.A. (J2000) Decl. Delta r El. Ph. Mag 2013 06 19 000000 18 06 36.9 -46 14 01 2.260 3.220 156.9 7.1 16.1 2013 06 20 000000 18 05 29.3 -46 18 31 2.260 3.220 157.0 7.1 16.1 2013 06 21 000000 18 04 21.4 -46 22 49 2.260 3.220 157.0 7.1 16.1 2013 06 22 000000 18 03 13.3 -46 26 55 2.260 3.220 157.0 7.1 16.1 2013 06 23 000000 18 02 05.0 -46 30 48 2.261 3.220 156.9 7.1 16.1 2013 06 24 000000 18 00 56.7 -46 34 29 2.261 3.220 156.8 7.2 16.1 2013 06 25 000000 17 59 48.3 -46 37 57 2.262 3.220 156.6 7.2 16.1 2013 06 26 000000 17 58 40.1 -46 41 12 2.264 3.220 156.3 7.3 16.1 2013 06 27 000000 17 57 31.9 -46 44 15 2.265 3.220 156.0 7.4 16.2 2013 06 28 000000 17 56 24.0 -46 47 05 2.267 3.221 155.7 7.5 16.2 2013 06 29 000000 17 55 16.4 -46 49 43 2.269 3.221 155.3 7.6 16.2 2013 06 30 000000 17 54 09.1 -46 52 08 2.271 3.221 154.9 7.7 16.2
Asteroid 3325 TARDIS (1984 JZ) makes its closest approach to the Earth (2.193 AU) on the 10th April, 2012.
Asteroid 1984 JZ = 1958 VB1 = 1969 TP3 = 1975 VC8 = 1975 WF1