Title: Fast generation of mock maps from realistic catalogues of astrophysical objects Authors: M. De Domenico, H. Lyberis
We present a novel method to generate a synthetic distribution of objects (mock) on a spherical surface (i.e. a sky), by using a real distribution. The resulting surrogate map mimics the clustering features of the real data, including the effects of non-uniform exposure, if any. The method is model-independent, also preserving the angular correlation function, as well as the angular power spectrum, of the original data. It can be reliably adopted to mimic the angular clustering of objects distributed on a spherical surface and it can be easily extended to include further information, as the spatial clustering of objects distributed inside a sphere. Applications to real data are presented and discussed. In particular, we consider the distribution of galaxies recently presented in the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS) catalogue.