Ortenau. 48'30' N., 8' E. Baden-Wiirttemberg, Germany Fell 1671, February 27, 1200 hrs Stone, A mass of 10lb, grey inside, with a black crust, was seen to fall in the district of Ortenau, near Offenburg, L.W.Gilbert (1809). Source
Ortenau. 48'30' N., 8' E. Baden-Wiirttemberg, Germany Fell 1671, February 27, 1200 hrs Stone, A mass of 10lb, grey inside, with a black crust, was seen to fall in the district of Ortenau, near Offenburg, L.W.Gilbert (1809).
The Ortenau (stone) meteorite fell in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, on the 27th February, 1671.A total mass of 4.5 kg was recovered.48° 30'N, 8° 0'E