Eichstadt 48°54' N, 11°13' E Middle Franconia, Bayern, Germany Fall 1785, February 19, 12:15 hrs Stone. Chondrite. Ordinary (H5) Synonym(s): Eichstatt; False Wittens; Wittens; Wittmess Approx. recovered weight: 3 kg A stone of about 3 kg. was seen to fall, after detonations, in the district of Wittmess, 5 miles from Eichstadt (J. Pickel, von Moll's Ann. Berg- u. Hiittenk., Salzburg, 1805, vol. 3, p. 251). Described by C. W. Giimbel and analysed by A. Schwager (Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, Math.- phys. CI., 1878, vol. 8, p. 25). 521 grams in Munich Museum, 293 grams in Zurich University.