Title: Radioactivity of Gursum H4 Meteorite Author: Alexeev, V. A.; Gorin, V. D.
Contents of radionuclides in the Gursum H4 chondrite are: Aluminum-26 = 58 ± 6 dpm/kg, K = 1600 ± ppm, and Th = 200 ± 100 ppb. The Gursum meteorite fell February 10, 1981.
Name: GURSUM Place of fall: About 5 km west of the village of Gursum, Hater region, Ethiopia. 9°22'N., 42°25'E. Date of fall: February 10, 1981, 1330 hrs Class and type: Stone. Olivine-hypersthene chondrite. Number of individual specimens: 3 Total weight: 34.65 kg Circumstances of fall: After a fireball and sonic boom, three fragments were recovered by Ethiopian servicemen. Read more