Orbital elements:
2012 BA102 Earth MOID = 0.0019 AU
Epoch 2012 Mar. 14.0 TT = JDT 2456000.5 MPC
M 38.93773 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.51002343 Peri. 142.72613 +0.00671641 -0.99942773
a 1.5514673 Node 306.86520 +0.90718975 +0.02003674
e 0.3975225 Incl. 2.37492 +0.42066810 -0.02725322
P 1.93 H 26.5 G 0.15 U 8
The 13 - 30 metre wide asteroid 2012 BA102 made a close pass (2.6 lunar distances, 0.0068 AU), travelling at 7.55 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 26th January, 2012 @ 17:13 UT ±00:04.