Title: The partial asteroidal occultation of Betelgeuse on Jan 2, 2012 Authors: Costantino Sigismondi
The asteroid (147857) 2005 UW381 will pass over the supergiant star Betelgeuse on January 2nd 2012. The event is visible on a limited geographical region, and the magnitude drop is only 0.01 magnitudes for a maximum duration of 3.6 seconds. The opportunity to measure this phenomenon can be interesting for dealing with extrasolar planetary transits.
The magnitude 19.1 asteroid (147857) 2005 UW381 will occult the star Betelgeuse from 21:16 to 21:31 UT ±1 minute, 2nd January, 2012. The 4 second event will be visible from Europe and Asia.