If you live in Western Europe or eastern North America, put a big circle on your calendar around Saturday, Nov. 18. If that night is clear, bundle up warmly and head outside because you may be able to catch a glimpse of an intense, albeit brief display of Leonid meteors.
In 2006, on November 19th, the Earth passes very close to the centre of the trail created at the comet's 1932 return. The encounter with the 1932 trail will lead to enhanced meteor activity. The calculated peak time of the outburst is 04:45 UT on November 19th, 2006. It will probably not last very long (i.e. meteor activity will rise and fall quite sharply).
i saw one this morning about 5.40 in the morning... hope there will be more this weekend... the moon is a little disturbing the vision but it's ok anyway, U can see the bigger leonids:smile:
I was trying to find out what time to look for the Leonids from north Florida. Also where they will be coming from (part of the sky that is) so i know where to look.
Hi, It's worth a shot on 17/18th... Unfortunately that peak of the shower will happen over Asia (though it really depends if the Earth happens to pass through a dense cloud of dust). You may catch the tail end of them as the Earth turns towards the shower (pop out a few hours before sunrise)
For Britain the best may be on the 21st. Look out around midnight. Rates are not predicted to be high, and further hampered by the near full moon...
Hi, thank you for providing this information for perusal. I live in the the North of England, Leeds to be precise. I was wondering when the best time to view Leonids will be?? am I correct in thinking that the best time will be between Friday 18th 2200hours and Saturday 19th 0400 hours.
Jodrell Bank Observatory says the best time will be between Thursday 17th November - Firday 18th November 2005.
These are probably both correct dates, do you know when the greatest activity will be?