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Post Info TOPIC: SDSS J102915+172927


Posts: 131433
RE: SDSS J102915+172927

Title: The extremely low metallicity star SDSS J102915+172927: a subgiant scenario
Authors: J. MacDonald, T.M. Lawlor, N. Anilmis, N.F. Rufo

Spectroscopic analysis of the Galactic halo star SDSS J102915+172927 has shown it to have a very low heavy element abundance, Z < 7.4 10-7, with [Fe/H] = -4.89 ±0.10 and an upper limit on the C abundance of [C/H] < -4.5. The low C/Fe ratio distinguishes this object from most other extremely metal poor stars. The effective temperature and surface gravity have been determined to be Teff = 5811 ±150 K and log g = 4.0 ±0.5. The surface gravity estimate is problematical in that it places the star between the main sequence and the subgiants in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. If it is assumed that the star is on the main sequence, its mass and are estimated to be M = 0.72 ±0.06 solar masses and L = 0.45 ±0.10 Lsun, placing it at a distance of 1.35 ±0.16 kpc. The upper limit on the lithium abundance, A(Li) < 0.9, is inconsistent with the star being a dwarf, assuming that mixing is due only to convection. In this paper, we propose that SJ102915 is a sub-giant that formed with significantly higher Z than currently observed, in agreement with theoretical predictions for the minimum C and/or O abundances needed for low mass star formation. In this scenario, extremely low Z and low Li abundance result from gravitational settling on the main sequence followed by incomplete convective dredge-up during subgiant evolution. The observed Fe abundance requires the initial Fe abundance to be enhanced compared to C and O, which we interpret as formation of SJ102915 occurring in the vicinity of a type Ia supernova.

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Posts: 131433

Title: The formation of the extremely primitive star SDSS J102915+172927 relies on dust
Authors: Raffaella Schneider, Kazuyuki Omukai, Marco Limongi, Andrea Ferrara, Ruben Salvaterra, Alessandro Chieffi, Simone Bianchi

The relative importance of metals and dust grains in the formation of the first low-mass stars has been a subject of debate. The recently discovered Galactic halo star SDSS J102915+172927 (Caffau et al. 2011) has a mass less than 0.8 solar masses and a metallicity of Z = 4.5 10^{-5} Zsun. We investigate the origin and properties of this star by reconstructing the physical conditions in its birth cloud. We show that the observed elemental abundance trend of SDSS J102915+172927 can be well fitted by the yields of core-collapse supernovae with metal-free progenitors of 20 solar masses and 35 solar masses. Using these selected supernova explosion models, we compute the corresponding dust yields and the resulting dust depletion factor taking into account the partial destruction by the supernova reverse shock. We then follow the collapse and fragmentation of a star forming cloud enriched by the products of these SN explosions at the observed metallicity of SDSS J102915+172927. We find that [0.05 - 0.1] solar masses mass fragments, which then lead to the formation of low-mass stars, can occur provided that the mass fraction of dust grains in the birth cloud exceeds 0.01 of the total mass of metals and dust. This, in turn, requires that at least 0.4 solar masses of dust condense in the first supernovae, allowing for moderate destruction by the reverse shock. If dust formation in the first supernovae is less efficient or strong dust destruction does occur, the thermal evolution of the SDSS J102915+172927 birth cloud is dominated by molecular cooling, and only > 8 solar mass fragments can form. We conclude that the observed properties of SDSS J102915+172927 support the suggestion that dust must have condensed in the ejecta of the first supernovae and played a fundamental role in the formation of the first low-mass stars.

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Posts: 131433

Title: A primordial star in the heart of the Lion
Authors: E. Caffau (1,2,3), P. Bonifacio (2,3), P. François (2,4), M. Spite (2), F. Spite (2), S. Zaggia (5), H.-G. Ludwig (1,2), M. Steffen (6), L. Mashonkina (7), L. Monaco (3), L. Sbordone (1,2), P. Molaro (8), R. Cayrel (2), B. Plez (9), V. Hill (10), F. Hammer (2), S. Randich (11) ((1) ZAH-LSW Heidelberg, (2) GEPI - Obs. de Paris, CNRS, Univ. Paris Diderot, (3) ESO - Santiago, (4) Univ. de Picardie Jules Verne,(5) INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, (6) Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam, (7) Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, (8) INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, (9) LUPM - Univ. Montpellier 2, CNRS, (10) Univ. de Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, OCA, Lab. Cassiopée, (11) INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)

Context: The discovery and chemical analysis of extremely metal-poor stars permit a better understanding of the star formation of the first generation of stars and of the Universe emerging from the Big Bang.
Aims: We report the study of a primordial star situated in the centre of the constellation Leo (SDSS J102915+172027).
Method: The star, selected from the low resolution-spectrum of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, was observed at intermediate (with X-Shooter at VLT) and at high spectral resolution (with UVES at VLT). The stellar parameters were derived from the photometry. The standard spectroscopic analysis based on 1D ATLAS models was completed by applying 3D and non-LTE corrections.
Results: An iron abundance of [Fe/H]=--4.89 makes SDSS J102915+172927 one of the lowest [Fe/H] stars known. However, the absence of measurable C and N enhancements indicates that it has the lowest metallicity,
Conclusions: The discovery of SDSS J102915+172927 highlights that low-mass star formation occurred at metallicities lower than previously assumed. Even lower metallicity stars may yet be discovered, with a chemical composition closer to the composition of the primordial gas and of the first supernovae.

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Posts: 131433

Title: An extremely primitive halo star
Authors: E. Caffau (1,2), P. Bonifacio (2), P. François (2,3) . L. Sbordone (1,4,2) . L. Monaco (5), M. Spite (2), F. Spite (2), H.-G. Ludwig (1,2), R. Cayrel (2), S. Zaggia (6), F. Hammer (2), S. Randich (7), P. Molaro (8), V. Hill (9) ((1) ZAH-LSW Heidelberg, (2) GEPI - Obs. de Paris, CNRS, Univ. Paris Diderot, (3) Univ. de Picardie Jules Verne,(4) Max Planck Institut für Astrophysik, (5) ESO - Santiago, (6) INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, (7) INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, (8) INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, (9) Univ. de Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, OCA, Lab. Cassiopée)

The early Universe had a chemical composition consisting of hydrogen, helium and traces of lithium1, almost all other elements were created in stars and supernovae. The mass fraction, Z, of elements more massive than helium, is called "metallicity". A number of very metal poor stars have been found some of which, while having a low iron abundance, are rich in carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. For theoretical reasons and because of an observed absence of stars with metallicities lower than Z=1.5E-5, it has been suggested that low mass stars (M<0.8 solar masses, the ones that survive to the present day) cannot form until the interstellar medium has been enriched above a critical value, estimated to lie in the range 1.5E-8\leqZ\leq1.5E-6, although competing theories claiming the contrary do exist. Here we report the chemical composition of a star with a very low Z\leq6.9E-7 (4.5E-5 of that of the Sun) and a chemical pattern typical of classical extremely metal poor stars, meaning without the enrichment of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. This shows that low mass stars can be formed at very low metallicity. Lithium is not detected, suggesting a low metallicity extension of the previously observed trend in lithium depletion. Lithium depletion implies that the stellar material must have experienced temperatures above two million K in its history, which points to rather particular formation condition or internal mixing process, for low Z stars.

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Posts: 131433

VLT Update 8 {31st of August 2011}: The Star That Should Not Exist



Posts: 131433

Title: An extremely primitive halo star
Authors: Elisabetta Caffau, Piercarlo Bonifacio, Patrick François, Luca Sbordone, Lorenzo Monaco, Monique Spite, François Spite, Hans­G. Ludwig, Roger Cayre, Simone Zaggia, François Hammer, Sofia Randich, Paolo Molaro, Vanessa Hill

The early Universe had a chemical composition consisting of hydrogen, helium and traces of lithium, almost all other elements were created in stars and supernovae. The mass fraction, Z, of elements more massive than helium, is called "metallicity". A number of very metal­poor stars have been found, some of which, while having a low iron abundance, are rich in carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. For theoretical reasons and because of an observed absence of stars with metallicities lower than Z=1.5 x 10^­5, it has been suggested that low mass stars (M<0.8 solar masses, the ones that survive to the present day) cannot form until the interstellar medium has been enriched above a critical value, estimated to lie in the range 1.5 x 10^­8 {\lesseq}Z{\lesseq}1.5 x 10^­6, although competing * Gliese Fellowtheories claiming the contrary do exist. Here we report the chemical composition of a star with a very low Z{\lesseq}6.9 x 10^­7 (4.5 x 10^­5 of that of the Sun) and a chemical pattern typical of classical extremely metal poor stars, meaning without the enrichment of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. This shows that low­mass stars can be formed at very low metallicity. Lithium is not detected, suggesting a low metallicity extension of the previously observed trend in lithium depletion. Lithium depletion implies that the stellar material must have experienced temperatures above two million K in its history, which points to rather particular formation condition or internal mixing process, for low Z stars

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Posts: 131433

The Star That Should Not Exist

A team of European astronomers has used ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) to track down a star in the Milky Way that many thought was impossible. They discovered that this star is composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, with only remarkably small amounts of other chemical elements in it. This intriguing composition places it in the "forbidden zone" of a widely accepted theory of star formation, meaning that it should never have come into existence in the first place. The results will appear in the 1 September 2011 issue of the journal Nature.
A faint star in the constellation of Leo (The Lion), called SDSS J102915+172927, has been found to have the lowest amount of elements heavier than helium (what astronomers call "metals") of all stars yet studied. It has a mass smaller than that of the Sun and is probably more than 13 billion years old.

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Position (2000):     RA 10 29 15.15  |  Dec +17° 29' 28''



Posts: 131433

SDSS J102915+172927 - the star that shouldn't exist

This video zoom sequence starts with a wide-field view of the bright constellation of Leo (The Lion) and slowly closes in on what looks like an unremarkable faint star. This ancient star is called SDSS J102915+172927 and has been found to have the lowest amount of elements heavier than helium of all stars yet studied. It has a mass smaller than that of the Sun and is probably more than 13 billion years old.

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