Venus is in conjunction in Right Ascension with Saturn at 11:06 UT, 30th September.
Mercury is at superior conjunction (1.4° from the center of the Sun) at 20:20 UT, 28th September, 2011.
The Moon is near Spica at 21:00 UT, 28th September.
The Moon is near Venus at 6:00 UT, 28th September.
Lunar Perigee (apparent diameter: 34'01.7") at 0:56.8 UT, 28th September.
New Moon (diameter: 33.390', declination: -6.01°) at 11:08.7 UT, 27th September.This is the second nearest new moon of the year. The next closest new moon is on the 26th October, 2011.
The Moon is near Regulus at 3:00 UT, 25th September
Mercury rise in the constellation Virgo at 5:27.8 UT, 24th September (Scotland)
The Moon is near Mars at 4:00 UT, 23rd September.
The Moon is near the Beehive cluster at 15:00 UT.