We invite you on a journey of tantalizing mystery and thrilling possibilities at TEDGlobal 2011. During four days, with 50-plus speakers and performers from all over the world, in the energizing city of Edinburgh, we will look at who we are, what we do, and how we relate to each other and to other living organisms. We will analyze the resources, technologies and skills that make life possible and keep it going -- and the many things that make it interesting, enjoyable and worthwhile. We will explore themes that are basic to our humanity, and those that threaten it.
In 2011, TEDGlobal will be held for the first time in Edinburgh, at the fantastic Edinburgh International Conference Centre. Its beautiful main theatre, its foyer and its vast spaces, right in the middle of downtown, will be the central hub of TEDGlobal.
Sheril Kirshenbaum is a science writer and research associate at the Centre for International Energy and Environmental Policy at the University of Texas at Austin. Sheril to speak at TEDGlobal2011 Read more
The TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conferences are world renowned for bringing together great thinkers. The force behind TED is in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives, and ultimately the world. Lee will be speaking in the first session at TED Global "The Stuff of Life" entitled "beginnings" on the Cronin group work on inorganic biology. Source