Orbital elements:
2011 JP29 Earth MOID = 0.0785 AU
Epoch 2011 Aug. 27.0 TT = JDT 2455800.5 MPC
M 5.05322 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.31186715 Peri. 162.35806 +0.60806560 +0.78891005
a 2.1535566 Node 144.94098 -0.74573534 +0.60594647
e 0.4965725 Incl. 8.88835 -0.27227746 +0.10222429
P 3.16 H 18.8 G 0.15 U 6
The 490 - 1100 metre wide asteroid 2011 JP29 will make a close pass (72.0 lunar distances, 0.1849 AU), travelling at 10.97 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 25th August, 2011 @ 23:50 UT ±01:53.