Title: INPOP new release: INPOP10e Authors: Dark Energy Alternatives to Einstein Are Running Out of Room
The INPOP ephemerides have known several improvements and evolutions since the first INPOP06 release (Fienga et al. 2008) in 2008. In 2010, anticipating the IAU 2012 resolutions, adjustment of the gravitational solar mass with a fixed astronomical unit (AU) has been for the first time implemented in INPOP10a (Fienga et al. 2011) together with improvements in the asteroid mass determinations. With the latest INPOP10e version, such advancements have been enhanced and studies about solar corona have also been investigated (Verma et al. 2012). The use of planetary ephemerides for several physical applications are presented here from electronic densities of solar slow and fast winds to asteroid mass determinations and tests of general relativity operated with INPOP10a. Perspectives will also be drawn especially related to the analysis of the Messenger spacecraft data for the planetary orbits and future computation of the time variations of the gravitational mass of the sun.
Title: Planetary and Lunar ephemerides, INPOP10A Authors: A. Fienga, H. Manche, P. Kuchynka, J. Laskar, M. Gastineau
The Planetary and Lunar ephemerides INPOP10a version has several improvements in the fitting process, the data sets used in the fit and in the general features of the solution. No big change was brought in the dynamics. As a consequence of these changes, the extrapolation capabilities of INPOP10a are improved compared to INPOP08, especially for the Earth, Mars, Mercury and Saturn orbits. As for INPOP08, INPOP10a provides to the user, positions, velocities of the planets and the moon and TT-TDB chebychev polynomials at www.imcce.fr/inpop