The Vitim event or Bodaybo event is believed to be an impact by a bolide or comet nucleus in the Vitim River basin. It occurred near the town of Bodaybo in the Mamsko-Chuisky district of Irkutsk Oblast, Siberia, Russia on September 25, 2002 at approximately 10:00 p.m. (local time). The event was also detected by a US military missile-defence satellite. Read more
A large fireball flashes across the night skies of the Irkutsk region of Siberia. What may have been a comet causes electrical circuits to come alive and leaves residents worrying about radioactivity. Eyewitnesses saw the sky light up. More than a hundred people in the sparsely settled area reported seeing it. At least one person fell to the floor in horror, believing that some religious doomsday had arrived. Others were sure that nuclear war had broken out. Read more
The Vitim event or Bodaybo event, as reported by the May 2003 expedition, performed by Kosmopoisk (leader — V. Chernobrov) reached the presumed impact point (about 50 km from Vitimskiy settle point). The situation there looked similar to that of the Tunguska river after the Tunguska event in 1908. Snow and water samples were analysed and found to contain an abnormal amount of tritium, as well as radioactive isotopes of cobalt and caesium. Summing up all the information V.A. Chernobrov suggested, that the Vitim event could be caused by a falling of a comet nucleus with a diameter about 50-100 meters. US military analysts calculated the magnitude was between 0.2 - 0.5 kilotons, while Russian physicist Andrey Olkhovatov estimates it at 4 - 5 kilotons.
US satellites detected the impact of a bolide near Bodiabo in Siberia at 16:48:56 UTC on 24 September 2002. The object was simultaneously detected by both visible wavelength and IR sensors. The object was first detected at 57.91 North Latitude, 112.90 East Longitude at an altitude of approximately 62 km. It was tracked to 58.21 N, 113.46 E at an altitude of approximately 30 km. The observed visible wavelength peak intensity was 2.4 X 10^11 Watts/ster. The total radiated energy was 8.6 X 10^11 Joules (6000K black body).
A new scientific expedition has set off for the crash site of a gigantic meteoroid that hit eastern Siberia, between the town of Bodaibo and the village of Balakhninsky near the Vitim River, in the early hours of September 25, 2002. Researchers investigating the crater said this might be their last chance to find large fragments of the bolide, which they hope will provide them with some vital information about the space impact threat. The previous three expeditions yielded nothing but cosmic dust grains.
Irkutsk University Observatory Director Sergei Yazev, who is leading the fourth expedition to the Vitim meteorite crash site, said his team would be following a new itinerary, drawn up after meticulous study of the seismic waves recorded by local monitoring stations during the incident.
The expedition participants will also try to solve the mystery of a hillside pyramid spotted in the area back in 1949. The pyramid, with a crater on top, is believed to be either the result of the impact of a super-dense celestial body or the result of a powerful volcanic eruption. The force of the meteorite destroyed 40 square miles of forest and caused earth tremors felt 60 miles away. It was the second largest meteorite, after the famous Tunguska meteorite, to fall on Russian territory.
When the meteorite was falling, people in many places near the Bodaibo and Mama villages felt earth tremors as in an earthquake. They also "heard roar and splashes of light above the taiga forest far away." The passage of "a large luminous object" in the terrestrial atmosphere was also registered by American satellites. Fragments of the meteorite had apparently exploded into shrapnel 18 miles above the Earth with the force of at least 200 tonnes of TNT.
A previous expedition from the Kosmopoisk scientific organization found an area of about 100 square kilometres covered with burnt trees and pieces of the meteorite 60 kilometres from the village of Mama .