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Post Info TOPIC: Banadag Hill Megalith


Posts: 131433
Banadag Hill

Banadag Megaliths
The Banadag megaliths stand demurely on the northern outskirts of the Banadag village, 7 kilometres west of Hazaribagh, a small town in northern Jharkhand State. Thirty metres west of the megaliths is the sacred Banadag hill, which is presently being ruthlessly quarried, undermining the age-old religious beliefs of the villagers. The standing megaliths of this ancient burial site now number about fifty, with an average height of 4.5 feet. The stones have been erected facing east towards a Recumbent Mother Goddess hill, 4 kilometres away on the horizon and have a north-south orientation. These megaliths are relics of the Kolarian tribes who have now left, erecting these sepulchral stones in the memory of their departed. The dynamite blasting often shake boulders with such great impact that many megaliths now lie prostate on the ground, destroyed. A brick kiln now operates 40 metres away from this site and their earth-cutting for making bricks is gradually advancing towards the megalithic site. Black ware pottery was recovered, the urn contained ash, arrow heads and even 12 silver coins. The amazing bird dolmen on this doomed hill, a remarkable example of unique and stunning aboriginal craftsmanship which has no known parallel, could be gone any day now.


Latitude: 23°58'59.52"N, Longitude:  85°17'53.89"E



Posts: 131433
Banadag Hill Megalith

An ancient site on the verge of destruction may just have received a new lease of life, thanks to some alert students.
A dolmen (memorial megalith) raised in the memory of the dead on Banadag Hill and discovered by megalithic explorer Subhashis Das in 2000 is facing the threat of demolition from a stone mining unit operating nearby. The face of the structure is a superbly crafted lizard facing the Kanhari Hill on the east and the shell is that of a turtle. But some students of St Xaviers School are determined to save the stones.


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