Huge Sudbury-like meteorite impact structure to be drilled for nickel
The JV between Impact Minerals (ASX: IPT) and CITIC Nickel Australia is set to commence drilling on the Yarrabubba Project, located 50 km south east of Meekatharra in Western Australia, which is believed to have most of the geological characteristics of the Sudbury mining camp in Canada . It is generally accepted that a major meteorite impact occurred at Sudbury and that this gave rise to the many large nickel-copper-pgm deposits in that area. Read more
Yarrabubba crater is a 30-70 km diameter eroded impact structure situated in the northern Yilgarn Craton between the towns of Sandstone and Meekatharra, central Western Australia. The age of the impact event is uncertain, but the crater is younger than the granite that it shocked, and which has been dated at about 2650 Ma (late Archaean).