Spicules A spicule is a dynamic tube of hot gas, about 500km diameter, on the Sun. It is shaped by the magnetic field and moves upwards at about 20 km/s from the photosphere.
Amorphous An amorphous solid is a material in which there is no localised or larger order to the positions of the atoms. ie lacking crystalline structure.
Sygyzy The term describes the alignment of three planets, or celestial bodies along a straight line. A planet is in syzygy with the earth and sun when it is in opposition or conjunction, i.e., when its elongation is 180° or 0°. Likewise, during a lunar eclipse, the moon is in syzygy with the earth and sun. Unusually the word contains no vowels.
Hassled The term `hassled` can be use to describe a galaxy that is close to another perhaps larger galaxy, or galaxies, and is being gravitationally affected by them; A hassled galaxy...