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Post Info TOPIC: BS Comae


Posts: 131433
RE: BS Comae

Title: Pulsational and evolutionary analysis of the double-mode RR Lyrae star BS Com
Authors: I. Dekany, G. Kovacs, J. Jurcsik, R. Szabo, M. Varadi, A. Sodor, K. Posztobanyi, Zs. Hurta, K. Vida, N. Vityi, A. Szing

We derive the basic physical parameters of the field double-mode RR Lyrae star BS Com from its observed periods and the requirement of consistency between the pulsational and evolutionary constraints. By using the current solar-scaled horizontal branch evolutionary models of Pietrinferni et al. (2004) and our linear non-adiabatic purely radiative pulsational models, we get M/M(Sun) = 0.698 ±0.004, log(L/L(Sun)) = 1.712 ±0.005, T(eff) = 6840 ±14 K, [Fe/H] = -1.67 ± 0.01, where the errors are standard deviations assuming uniform age distribution along the full range of uncertainty in age. The last two parameters are in a good agreement with the ones derived from the observed BVIc colours and the updated ATLAS9 stellar atmosphere models. We get T(eff) = 6842 ±10 K, [Fe/H] = -1.58 ±0.11, where the errors are purely statistical ones. It is remarkable that the derived parameters are nearly independent of stellar age at early evolutionary stages. Later stages, corresponding to the evolution toward the asymptotic giant branch are most probably excluded because the required high temperatures are less likely to satisfy the constraints posed by the colours. We also show that our conclusions are only weakly sensitive to nonlinear period shifts predicted by current hydrodynamical models.

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Posts: 131433

Title: The double-mode RR Lyrae variable BS Com
Authors: I. Dékány

We present the frequency analysis of the multicolour time series photometry of the field RRd variable BS Comae. The large number of data points in each of the BV(RI)_c bands and the ~0.01 magnitude accuracy of the individual measurements allow us a high precision analysis of the properties of the combination frequencies due to nonlinear coupling. Through the combination of the frequency spectra in different colours we show that except for the components corresponding to the linear combinations of the two pulsation modes, there are no other components present above the millimagnitude amplitude level.

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