Around 50 000 people gathered in the desert in Nevada this week for the annual Burning Man festival. ESA's Proba-1 microsatellite snapped a souvenir as it flew some 600 km overhead. A mosaic of four 5 m-resolution black and white images was acquired by Proba-1's HRC high-resolution camera on Thursday, showing massed camper vans and tents gathered for the week-long art and self-expression festival. Read more
Ten of thousands of 'burners' are gathering in Nevada's Black Rock Desert in the US to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Burning Man festival. This year the desert-based event could be even wilder than usual seeing all sort of creations - from aliens to wind surfing. Read more
Every year, media coverage of Burning Man gets it wrong. Scott G presents many myth-busting details about the annual celebration held the week before Labour Day on the Playa of Black Rock Desert, 120 miles north of Reno, Nevada.
Fiction: In the media, Burning Man is sometimes called an unstructured hippie event that plunges participants into a ritualistic freak show of mob-rule. Fact: There are rules for safety. There is a city map. There is a plan. Within those self-imposed protective limits is an informal structure that encourages self-expression, participation, audience interaction, and the opportunity to achieve the poetry of the soul.