In April and May 2007, after accompanying Mau and Alingano Maisu to Micronesia, the Polynesian Voyaging Society will sail Hokulea from Palau to Japan to honour and perpetuate historic cross-cultural connections and intercultural exchanges between Hawaii and Japan. This voyage is planned with the assistance of the Japanese Cultural Centre of Hawai'i (JCCH), the Japan America Society of Hawai'i (JASH), the United Japanese Society of Hawaii, the Hawaii United Okinawa Association, the Honolulu Kumamoto Kenjin Kai, the Nagasaki Kenjin Kai, the Hawaii Fukuoka Kenjin Kai, the Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjin Kai, the Honolulu Hiroshima Kenjin Kai, and the Hawaii Kanagawa Kenji Kai. The name of the voyage Ku Holo La Komohana / Sail On to the Western Sun was given to PVS by Lilikala Kame'eleihiwa. On the Hawaiian star compass, komohana, the western sun, marks the sailing direction from Hawai'i to Japan.