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Post Info TOPIC: Shrewsbury Meteorite


Posts: 131433
1833: York County

Meteor shower lights up sky
A meteor shower makes the night lighter than daylight and provides sounds with the sights. Some county residents wonder if the world is ending. "It was an awful strain on the strongest nerves. People fell on their knees that night, asking was the world ending? Or was there some great event to take place for which all heaven was illuminated?" an observer wrote. This exhibition is the brightest-on-record exhibition of the Leonid meteor shower. In 1907, a farmer's plough north of Shrewsbury uncovers one of the largest meteorites then found in the state. The meteorite attracted the farmer's attention because of its weight -- it measured 6 inches in width and weighed 24 pounds. The meteorite later was sliced into museum specimens and distributed to several leading museums.




Posts: 131433
Shrewsbury Meteorite

A diamond-shaped, two-pound piece of the only meteorite ever found in York County has returned home for the 100-year anniversary of its discovery.
Found in 1907 about 7 miles north of the Shrewsbury borough line, the entire meteorite weighed about 24 pounds, said Bill Kreiger, a professor of Earth Sciences and Science Education at York College.
Dubbed the "Shrewsbury Meteorite," it was cut into several pieces that were distributed to museums and other institutions across the world.
As a boy, Kreiger learned of the meteorite's existence. For the last few decades he has worked on-and-off to bring a piece back here and display it.
In mid-April he got a slice of it from The Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. A showing is set for Sunday afternoon in New Freedom between noon and 2 p.m. at the Rose Volunteer Fire Co., 200 E. Main St.
Kreiger hopes a glimpse of something that originated from outside Earth will take people's minds away from their day-to-day frustrations and give them a more philosophical look at the world and its tumult.

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