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Post Info TOPIC: Somalian UFO


Posts: 131433
RE: Somalian UFO

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TLE Data

1 28065U 91050H 07085.05779825 .10953440 48627+0 31329-1 0 7303
2 28065 098.0244 133.6889 0011872 243.7790 116.2271 16.03010503830919
1 28065U 91050H 07085.05779811 .10968108 48417+0 31292-1 0 7299
2 28065 098.0244 133.6889 0011850 243.7713 116.2339 16.03007529830919
1 28065U 91050H 07085.05779818 .10944159 48758+0 31352-1 0 7314
2 28065 098.0244 133.6890 0011882 243.7580 116.2480 16.03012447830910
1 28065U 91050H 07084.93277252 +.08958712 +15857-0 +25972-1 0 07295
2 28065 098.0225 133.5434 0018642 222.3763 137.6117 15.98398124830892
1 28065U 91050H 07084.80744441 .07869520 10901+0 25973-1 0 7281
2 28065 098.0232 133.3927 0019021 220.8370 139.1219 15.95553196830871

Expand (86kb, 630 x 390)

1 27613U 02059A 07086.80209608 +.00001505 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 05967
2 27613 065.1450 011.0279 7364705 280.0185 279.6507 02.00925897031190



Posts: 131433

A baffling device which resembles a satellite or Unidentified Flying Object (U.F.O) has landed in a rural area close to Buulo-Burde town, 220km north of the Somalia capital Mogadishu, eyewitnesses told Shabelle radio on Monday.
Villagers report that the device had fallen in a remote jungle area, some 40km north of Bulo-Burde, killing one camel. No experts have reached there to find out exactly what the object is.
The unknown object is sitting on an area of one 100 meter square as people grew more concern over the device that it might explode or contaminate the area.
The device is said to be intact and not broken as it gives alarming signals. No one knows where the satellite-like device had come from.

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