Silbury Dawning - The Alien Gene Theory
Even closer encounters for Bradford on Avon man Bradford on Avon author John Cowie has brought out a third edition of his book Silbury Dawning - The Alien Gene Theory, featuring new information supporting the claim that the human race gained its intelligence from extraterrestrial visitors. The re...
Collins Stars and Planets Guide
Collins Pocket Guide - Stars and Planets by Ian Ridpath, Wil Tirion Collins Pocket Guide Stars and Planets guides the amateur astronomer to the most splendid celestial sights, all visible with the use of binoculars or an average-sized telescope. Monthly maps of the night sky as seen from latitude...
Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Atlas
Uranometria 2000.0, Vol. 2: The Southern Hemisphere to Plus 6 Degrees Read more Uranometria 2000.0 Volume 1 - The Northern Hemisphere to Minus 6 Degrees [url=http://www.amazon.com/Ura...
Burnham's Celestial Handbook
Title: Burnham's Celestial Handbook: An Observer's Guide to the Universe Beyond the Solar System Author: Robert BurnhamThis comprehensive coverage of the thousands of celestial objects outside our solar system. The objects are grouped according to constellation, and their definitions fe...
Death and Dying in the Neolithic Near East
Title: Death and Dying in the Neolithic Near East Authors: Karina Croucher Drawing on recent excavations and earlier archive and published fieldwork, Croucher provides an overview and introduction to the period, presenting new interpretations of the archaeological evidence and in-depth an...
Deep Sky Objects: by David H. Levy
Deep Sky Objects: The Best And Brightest from Four Decades of Comet Chasing Veteran comet hunter and eloquent popular astronomy writer David H. Levy takes amateur sky-watchers on a fascinating journey into deep space in this enthusiastic and informative survey of the many far distant yet observa...
All About Space Magazine
Imagine Publishing is proud to announce the launch of All About Space, which will be available in print and digital formats from 28 June. Packed full of cosmic content, All About Space will delve into the wonders of space exploration, astronomy and cosmic science every month, providing in-depth kn...
Astronomy magazine
Astronomy's new special issue focuses on 50 major telescopes that have changed our understanding of the universe. The William Herschel Telescope takes pride of place on the front cover of Astronomy magazine's special summer 2012 issue. This issue is a picture-packed guided tour of the world's m...
Sky Atlas 2000.0
Sky Atlas 2000.0 (Spiral-bound) by Wil Tirion (Author), Roger W. Sinnott (Author) The second edition of Wil Tirion's superb Sky Atlas 2000.0 offers 43,000 additional stars, with all positions now derived from the Hipparcos database. The Atlas opens out to reveal 28 charts, each one 500 mm wide and...
Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo
The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo) was a 1632 Italian language book by Galileo Galilei comparing the Copernican system with the traditional Ptolemaic system. It was translated to Latin as Systema cosmicum in 1635 by Matthias Berneg...
Great Crowns of Stone
Great Crowns of Stone: The Recumbent Stone Circles of Scotland The densest concentration of stone circles in the British Isles is found in north east Scotland. Although far from Stonehenge, these monuments have much in common with that famous structure and other great rings of the ancient world. W...
Sky Guide Africa South 2012
One of my favourite little books for sky happenings this past year was the Sky Guide 2011. I went on trips to countryside where light pollution is less of a problem than in the big city and it was actually used. I looked forward to receiving the 2012 edition with some eager anticipation. Inflation has se...
The Quantum Universe
Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw explain the big bang Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw first met at a particle collider in Hamburg 15 years ago. They have collaborated on various scientific projects ever since and are now both professors at Manchester University's Particle Physics Group and are involved in res...
Space Oddity the book
DAVID BOWIE-INSPIRED CHILDREN'S BOOK David Bowie's classic space epic made into a children's book. Note: There is no physical version of this...yet. If you like the book, spread the word and we'll make this happen! DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE THING RIGHT HERE! (PDF 13.3 MB) Source kolbisneat.com David Bo...
Practical Astronomy Magazine
DOWNLOAD (for free) the July-Sept issue of Practical Astronomy Magazine DOWNLOAD FULL RESOLUTION PDF (3.2MB) Source