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No New Posts Claudette Colvin
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No New Posts Andriyan Grigoryevich Nikolayev (1929 - 2004)
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No New Posts Freddie Mercury (1946 - 1991)
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No New Posts Kyongae Chang
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No New Posts James Glaisher (1809 - 1903)
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No New Posts Karl Schroeder
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No New Posts Martin Wiberg (1826 - 1905)
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No New Posts Max Delbrück (1906 - 1981)
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No New Posts al-Bīrūnī (973 - 1052)
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No New Posts Oscar E. Monnig (1902 - 1999)
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No New Posts Christian of Prachatice (1360/68 - 1439)
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No New Posts Nicholas Jardine
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No New Posts Dick York (1928-1992)
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No New Posts Forrest S. McCartney (1931 - 2012)
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No New Posts Gerald Neugebauer
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