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No New Posts Johann Kies (1713 - 1781)
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No New Posts Nikolai Vasilievich Bugaev (1837 - 1903)
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No New Posts Frank Templeton Prince (1912 – 2003)
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No New Posts Sid Watkins (1928 – 2012)
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No New Posts Dimitri Nanopoulos
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No New Posts Amelie Beese (1886 - 1925)
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No New Posts Irène Joliot-Curie (1897 - 1956)
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No New Posts Richard David Gill
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No New Posts Paul Andrew
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No New Posts Robert Laurel Crippen
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No New Posts Gherman Stepanovich Titov (1935 - 2000)
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No New Posts James Hopwood Jeans (1877 - 1946)
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No New Posts Danny Glavin
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No New Posts Yevgeni Vassilyevich Khrunov (1933 - 2000)
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No New Posts Mike Mullane
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